
Friday, January 13, 2012

Bánh Cam - English & Vietnamese

Copy recipe from The Spices Of Life

After make first couple pastry balls, I said to myself "Never, Ever, make this again". It took me not less than 5 hours from start to finish. Maybe it was the first time? Had lots of trouble during processing. 
The filling was mushy. I forgot to add the oil that make the dough too dry even i add more water than I suppose. That was a longest time for making pastry balls.
The other failure was the Banh Cam came out were not so firm and crunchy. It turned soft so quick.
But every one said they were good and that how they are. Make me feel a little bit better. I might do this again without repeat these mistakes and not forget anything.


1 bag Glutinous Rice Flour, 16 oz or about 4 1/2 cups (bột nếp)
3 tablespoons of Rice Flour (bột gạo)
2 teaspoons of Baking Powder 
1 3/4 cups of Water.
1 1/4 cup of Sugar 
2 tablespoon of Oil 
3/4 cup of Mashed Potato, boiled a fresh potato, removed skin and mashed it
or 1/2 cup of potatoes flake
2 teaspoons of pure Vanilla Extract 
1 bag of White Sesame Seeds

Bring water, sugar and oil to boil. Add mashed potato or potatoes flake and stir it. Remove from heat. Add vanilla extract and let it cool down for about 5 minutes. Pour the mixture through the strainer, smash the mashed potatoe in the strainer. Scrape mashed potato off the outside of the strainer. If you use potatoes flake, you don't need to use the strainer.

Empty a bag of glutinous rice flour in a large bowl. Add rice flour and baking powder. Mix all these ingredients well. Pour the warm mixture into flour and kneed it for 15 minutes until dough doesn't stick to the bowl. Divide dough into your own size of balls. Set it aside.

1/2 teaspoon Salt
1 bag of Peeled and Split Mung Beans (about 1 1/2 cups)
1 1/4 cup of Sugar 
2 cups of Grated Coconut, optional
2 tablespoons of oil 
2 teaspoon of Pure Vanilla Extract
1/2 teaspoon of Salt

Soak mung beans overnight so it is quicker to cook them but this step is optional. Rinse and drain the beans. In a pot, add 2 1/2 cups of water and bring it to boil. Cook mung beans the same way you cook steamed rice. Reduce the heat to low, stir it and cook with lid on for about 15 minutes or until soft. Mash it. 

Add the remaining ingredients to the mung beans pot. The mung beans now are mushy because of the sugar we just added in. Bring it back to the stove and simmer it until it's thick. Make sure to stir it constantly so the mung beans won't stick to the pot. Cool off the mixture in room temperature. Divide beans paste into balls equally to the dough balls.

Prepare Pastry Balls
Take a ball of dough, and roll it with your palms to make ball, then flatten it.
Take a bean paste ball, put in the middle of the round flat dough.
Close the dough to make a ball.
Roll the ball in sesame seeds.
Heat a pot of oil at high. To test the heat of the oil, dip a chopstick into the oil. If you see bubbles rise around the chopstick, your frying oil is hot enough.
Reduce heat to medium. Deep fry the pastry until it's golden and puffy. It takes about 15 minutes.
Remove it and set it on a few paper towels to dry off the oil.

Vật liệu:

Vỏ bánh:
  • 1 bao bột nếp
  • 2 muỗng canh bột gạo
  • 4 muỗng canh bột khoai tây
  • 2 muỗng canh dầu ăn
  • 1 3/4 cup nước
  • 1 cup đường
  • 1 chút muối, vani
  • 1/2 cup mè
  • 1 bao đậu xanh đã cà vỏ
  • 1/2 cup đường
  • 1/4 dừa bào sợi (optional)
  • 1 chút muối, vani
Cách làm:
  1. Đậu xanh ngâm mềm, nấu chín với chút muối (nấu hơi khô), tán nhuyễn. Trộn đường, vani, dừa sợi và dầu ăn vào cho đều. Để hơi nguội, chia làm 16 phần đều nhau, vo tròn.
  2. Cho nước, đường, muối vào nồi nhỏ, bắt lên bếp đun sôi cho đường tan hết. Tắt bếp, cho bột khoay tây vào khuấy đều. Để hơi nguội, cho dầu ăn, vani vào trộn đều rồi đổ hỗn hợp này vào bột nếp. Ngào đều đến khi bột mịn, dẻo là được. Chia bột thành 30 phần đều nhau.
  3. Tán mỏng bột, cho nhân vào, gói kín lại, vo tròn, lăn qua mè. Làm như vậy cho đến hết bột và nhân.
  4. Dầu sôi già (190°C), thả bánh vào chiên vàng. Trở bánh khi chiên để bánh vàng đều.
  5. Vớt bánh ra rổ có lót giấy thấm dầu cho nguội bớt và…chén thôi.

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