
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Work out for Bigger Butt and Great Legs

Get a Bigger butt, hips, and legs!!! Add curves and feminine muscle to your body quickly. If you perform the workout you will notice your butt getting bigger, rounder, tighter, and more fuller. You will actually be able to feel the size of your butt for the first time for some people who have never really had much of a butt. Their is no magic here, just hard work that pays off! These workouts are the best for achieving that perfectly round butt along with these workout. 

Part 1: Bigger Butt!! Workout Regiment to Increase Size for Curves!!! 

You need to eat at Least 3 meals a day, especially on weightlifting days its mandatory! Always eat a meal about 1 to 2 hours before workout! Try to take a protein shake immediately after a weightlifting workout!
Your meals should be balanced between protein, vegetables/fruits, and carbs. You should eat the same # of meals every day regardless of a workout day or not.

My meals (only an example): You really need to eat 4-6 meals daily!
Breakfast: eggs, potato, orange, tomato
Lunch: tuna sandwich with chips
Dinner: chicken wings, corn, salad
Snacks: yogurt, banana, peanut butter sandwich

Work out of the week:

Monday Workout:

Squat or press legs machine

a) ATG squats (Pyramid scheme) 
1 lift = 60lbs @ 7 reps
2 lift = 70lbs @ 7 reps
3 lift = 80lbs @ 6 reps
4 lift = 90lbs @ 6 reps
5 lift = 100lbs @ 4 reps

b) Sumo wide half squats (3x @10 reps)

c) Narrow half squat (2x @10 reps)

Lunges (optional)

a) Reverse Lunges (3x @10 reps per leg) Fixed heavy weight

b) Side Lunges (3x @10 reps per legs) Fixed heavy weight. 
(heavy weight on Side Lunges can increase hip size!)

Tuesday and Thursday Workout
Take a day off or have a light cardio; yoga, total conditioning, strength. Need to reserve many calories as possible.

Friday Workout:
Best to Squat & Dead lift heavy each one time a week, with at least 3 days separation.

Pyramid scheme: from Light weight to Heavy weight
Light Weight => Light Medium Weight => Medium Weight => Heavy Weight (warm up: 1st Lift only)
My Pyramid Scheme (ATG Squats): (reps for each set can range from 3 - 9)
1 lift = 60lbs @ 7 reps
2 lift = 70lbs @ 7 reps
3 lift = 80lbs @ 6 reps
4 lift = 90lbs @ 6 reps
5 lift = 100lbs @ 4 reps

Make sure you use Heavy weight that is heavy for you only, not someone else! But don't use weight you can not handle with good form!
Even though you do not have to pyramid for every workout. For best results you Should pyramid EVery Squat & Dead lift workout!
Try to take every 5th week off from working out! (or just preform one workout that week for legs if you must workout)

Part 2: Bigger Hips Ladies!!! Exercises to increase Buttocks & Legs! Exercises Covered:
1) Barbell Box Squat: sit

2) Narrow Conv. Dead Lift

3) Barbell Bridge

4) Barbell Front Squat

5) Barbell Lateral Squat/Slide Lunges

Example Leg Workout (40-60 mins MAX)

Monday Workout:
1) Box Squat/*ATG Squat (Pyramid)
2) Sumo Half Squat 
3) Reverse Lunges (2-3 sets 8-10 reps each leg)
4) Barbell Bridge (2 sets 8-10 reps)

Friday Workout:
1) Narrow/Sumo Dead Lift (Pyramid)
2) Romanian Dead Lift (2-3 Sets 8-12 reps)
3) Lateral Squat (2-3 sets 8-10 reps leg)
4) Barbell Bridge (2 sets 8-10 reps)

You will want 3-5 days between Squat & Dead Lift Days. This will mean that your dead lift and squat day will NOT remain on the same day each time. Never perform another leg workout until ALL of your leg and butt muscles are no longer sore from you last leg workout. (For beginners, the first 2-3 weeks you will be squatting & Dead Lift about every 6-7 days)

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